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Fixed Rubber Spatula Duo 10x25cm – Double Profile

Fixed Rubber Spatula Duo 10x25cm – Double Profile

Fixed duo rubber spatula with double profile, size 10×25 cm, ideal for grouting joints and joints. Durable plastic handle for maximum stability and precision.

The duo fixed rubber trowel from 7C Tools is designed to offer versatility and precision in grouting joints and joints. Measuring 10×25 cm, this trowel features a double profile that allows for two different types of finishes: one side with a larger angle for a solid finish and one side with a 45-degree angle for a more hollowed-out joint finish. The durable plastic handle is firmly anchored to the rubber part, ensuring maximum stability during use. Ideal for professional and do-it-yourself applications, the duo fixed rubber trowel from 7C Tools ensures high-quality results and a perfect finish in every grouting project.

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SKU 0031100 Category
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