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SAIE Fair Bari October 7-9, 2021

SAIE is the construction exhibition par excellence. It It represents a business opportunity to present increasingly innovative, sustainable, safe and efficient products, methods and tools.

More than 260,000 operators from all sectors of the construction industry will be present at the event with the opportunity to meet professionals, make new contacts, present innovative products and technologies and gain greater visibility at national level.

The event will be divided into four macro-areas: Design and Digitisation, Construction, Installations and Services, with the opportunity to participate in conferences and workshops on topics related to construction and sustainability.

We will also be present at the most important event of the year. We have been taking part in this event for two years now with great pride and can confirm the high level of visibility, the opportunity to make new contacts and promote our products.

This year we will be presenting the new 7C catalogue with a focus on two of our own products:
👉 Tiramisù the leveler the first levelling system for floors and walls that uses rotation around an axis;
👉 4 Level our reinterpretation of a great classic among levelling systems, the wedge.

Inside, you will also find the new rubber trowel and spatula.

The rubber trowel is the optimal tool for grouting floor and wall joints, suitable for any type of grout. This version reduces the consumption of plastic, thanks to the possibility of replacing only the deteriorated plastic by reusing the handle.

The rubber spatula has a non-slip, ergonomic coating. Its small cross-section makes it possible to reach even the most difficult parts to treat and to carry out precise work without soiling the walls. Its small cross-section makes it possible to reach even the most difficult parts to treat and to carry out precise work without soiling the walls

You will also find many other new products in the catalogue.

Come and discover the world of 7C tools.

We look forward to seeing you at the NEW HALL – STAND G6 to show you all our products, from 7 to 9 October at the Levante Trade Fair Centre in Bari.

To download the free ticketclick on the link:


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